Baked Cinnamon Apple Chips

Healthy Cinnamon Spiced Apple Chips...


apple of ur choice 1
ground cinnamon 1 tsp
1 tbsp sugar


Preheat the oven to 225 F/ 107 C.

Stir together the cinnamon and sugar and keep aside.

Slice the apples with a slicer or with a knife, be sure to slice the apples in  same thickness. Core the apples if u want.

Line the baking tray with a parchment paper and line the apple slices separately, make sure u don't over lap the slices.

Sprinkle the cinnamon n sugar mixture.

Bake in the preheated oven for an hour, then flip the slices to the other side (the slices will be floppy at this stage) and again sprinkle with the sugar cinnamon mixture then again bake in the oven for another 1 hour and let it completely cool in the oven itself, this is when the slices crisp up.



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